If there is something I want to understand in The Netherlands is the meaning...., I’m just walking, thinking, taking my whole baggage to try to understand, even I’m taking my CV and saying: hello does anyone understand this meaning? Someone over there says : you need a dictionary, vrouw, get a live, because if you are here for several months as an International Student it´s hard to try to make you understand even if you are studying Dutch, you get stucked and maybe drunk in a bar, i don’t know, i’m an international student getting involved in this culture. Doesn´t this have a rime? I would like to understand, know beter, to say I was here but... I am do my best, mum.
I speak Dutch, English some Spanish… Hello?? you said Dutch? Can you speak dutch and even not understand what this "c" of Dutch Culture means? I think: I do understand, but they expect more from me: a CV, a dictionary, my before-life, knocking doors, garages, going into pubs, coffeeshops, smoking a joint, I Amsterdam or what??
Here is when my crazyness begins.
We went to a bar, oh yes, the night before I saw some guys who never said a word to me, they were stijf en een beetje agresief, but there were also other people with a nice uitstraling and girls with some good skirts that made me look into their eyes. I remember now, there was a Flamish teacher who explained me the prejudice's of international students when arriving to The Netherlands: sex, drugs and flowers everywere, a piece of cheese and some windmills. What a nice teacher, I said, I kept on drinking my beer, running my choice, you said you wanted to learn dutch, but you can´t keep on going like this in this country if you try to… wat bedoel je now? Ik heriner me nu wat, la generación Macondo decía: Oh my God !! At that momento someone passes with a bike: coatswitching coatswitching, a good vriendin van mine. And I continue: y la generación McOndo, beter than McDonalds dice que yo encuentro moielijk te verstaan, mevrouw. Stop! I think i´m going crazy and renuncio a aprender this beautiful Dutch language, porque la generación Mc decía que there is a powerful influence of the Engelse taal in the Spanish of the USA. But stop again ! Someone over there says: you are talking non-sense! Yo le digo: Estamos en Holanda companyeros. And what does the Culture mean, by the way? Weed. Ik weet niet wat het nu overgaat, man, ik denk que te estoy mareando con el idioma. Sí, la generación del profesor mitomaniaco… you might get into trouble darling if you try to learn Dutch and Inglés al mismo tiempo, vriend. Dus, tot ziens man, this mix of cultures worden me gek. Is dit a new sign of our time? Mc Mc Mc?
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